Friday, November 24, 2006

Logs and Blogs

"Logs and blogs" is what I used to remind myself of things I wanted to get done tonight. "Logs" referred to chopping up branches I had lopped; they were overhanging the roof and in bushfire season they aren't allowed to. I've done that and now I'm up the the "blogs" bit.

Stories written by EJ today, as spelled by him:

Once upon a time tere was ej and a monster. And the monster ........ got the most weapons and won! ej amost won! But .......... ej won secend! But ...... ej acshally .... ej won first!

(The only word I helped with was weapons).

Once upon a time tere was a mum called jo who was a adult who looked like a kid.

(Shut up, you, at least I'm cute! Well... I am in the picture anyway!)


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