Monday, February 05, 2007


Einstein said that "time and space are parallel dimensions" ... meaning you can't occupy one without the other. Even if you stand very still you are still occupying space and time is still passing.

Time and space are also EJ's favourite subjects.

He knows where all oceans and continents are on a map, and where many countries, deserts and other landmarks are. He knows that all continents start and end with the same letter, but only if you use "America" and not "North America" and "South America".

I don't know how many flags he can recognise but it's about twenty (so far!) ... I'd have trouble even naming twenty countries, let alone locating them and recognising their flags! He wants to know why Wales has a dragon on it's flag - it should, of course, have a whale. He knows where all the states in Australia and America are. One of his best smart-bottom comments was when Liam said he was marrying his friend Georgia - EJ said "Oh yeah?? Well I'm marrying Alabama!".

He will read calendars to see what day a particular date is, and how long until something happens. He went through all the days of the week this morning and renamed them, for example, "Swimming Sunday, Moaning Monday, Chopsticks Tuesday, Wheatgrass Wednesday...". (Yes, he does know the term "alliteration"). And his favourite questions are "How many seconds in a minute? How many minutes in an hour? How many minutes in a whole day??"

And this brings me to my point. When he came home from kindy today with this:

... I knew exactly why. He had asked the teacher. And I appreciate that she did take the time to show him her working out and answer the questions.


Blogger Louise Burford said...

Wow impressive EJ!!! Well done. :) Aunty Louise

9:40 AM  
Blogger DadB said...

Cool EJ! EJ, the Mighty Thesaurus, stalking the primordial swamps of knowledge...! :)

2:19 PM  

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