Sunday, March 25, 2007

This is Lucy

This one wasn't a waif! (In fact, she's in good condition apart from her hair). She's my niece, Lucy (Erin's doll). She was wearing a dress knitted by Grandma W.

She had very difficult hair to sort out! It felt like she'd been swimming in the sea and not showered after. Many hairs were double-rooted - like ingrown hairs, plugged into her head at both ends! I couldn't find any definite parts to work out what her original style was but I think I eventually got it almost right! It's much smoother and shinier anyway. I also re-did her make up because it was faded.

She's generally in good condition - I didn't find any of the common mould, just some surface dirt which is gone now; her joints are only slightly loose; she has the heart sticker and serial number. She originally had a yellow sailor dress so I haven't dressed her yet in the hope of finding it or something similar (or having mum make one!). When she is dressed she will also have a matching ribbon and name bracelet.

OK so far Erin? :o)


Blogger Erin (etc) said...

Aw...tyvm. She looks great!

4:56 AM  
Blogger DadB said...

That was quick too. Looks nicer, and some appropriate clothes will be good.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

That's ok Erin. :o) If you see clothes you want to get for her go ahead.

And Bowie... well she has different coloured eyes!

3:37 AM  

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