Monday, April 09, 2007

The Easter Story

Liam’s school has been presenting the Easter story in a series of short plays for a week.

April 2nd - Palm Sunday - presented by Reception and Year 1;
April 3rd - Last Supper - Year 3, and Garden and Arrest, by the other Year 3 class;
April 4th - Trial - Year 4
April 5th - Crucifixion - Year 5
April 10th - Resurrection - Year 2

The first four days were before Easter and the last one, Liam’s year level, was after Easter. I saw bits of the others and they were very well presented and even moving, to the point that the remainder of the 300+ kids got up and returned to class silently at the end of each play (no doubt with some coaching but nonetheless they did it), instead of returning to class on rocket launchers. We weren’t going to school today but as Liam’s play was first thing in the morning we went just for that.

Liam was one of the kids in the front row, curled up as a rock; a very important rock! The rocks danced a couple of times during the play.

We were going to miss school today because:

We leave at 5am tomorrow! And I have a LOT to do today, and even tomorrow at the last minute. So here is my last blog for a little while but I will certainly try to do some while we are away. What happened to the old-fashioned postcards eh? Oh I remember, they got back after I did last time… yay for blogging!


Blogger DadB said...

Rocks got legs? Dancing rocks eh? I think that was in "Jesus Christ, Superstar". Oh, no, waith it was something about rocks and stones starting to sing.

7:38 PM  

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